10 years ago

Big Data and Data Warehousing for Your Enterprise

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The complexity of big data can be applied to data warehousing.

If you are going to get into big data, then now is the best time to start figuring out how to go about it.  This is because data is being generated constantly and at a dizzying pace.

You should realize that information is readily available out there, including even new types of information such as clickstream data, social media mentions, e-mails, sensors, photographs, blog posts, videos and other types of content.  All of these can easily help you get deeper insights into your business, partners and customers.  They can even answer relevant questions that you might have not asked.

So it is surprising that most of today’s businesses are not even gathering all of these information, routinely excluding them from data warehousing.  Big data is no longer optional if you want to succeed.

Greg Lumpkin, Oracle’s Vice President for Product Management, says that the question that chief information officers should be asking is where to start with big data and how to go about it.

Uncovering More Business Value with Analytics

Oracle wanted more focus on analytics with Oracle Database 12c.  Oracle Database 12c can now execute more sophisticated queries and find patterns within the databases.

You could also use it for data mining and for getting advanced statistics, including some new predictive analytic algorithms embedded in the database.  More than this, Database 12c is more tightly integrated with open source statistical environments that can give you open source algorithms as well as a very powerful statistical programming language.  You get more sophisticated analytics.

What this means is that you now have the means to answer questions that were not possible to answer before.

Easier Management and Administration

The SQL query optimizer in Oracle Database 12c has been enhanced, leading to less time required of a database administrator to tune the database because the database is more adaptive to the optimizations.  Also, as you perform more sophisticated analysis, you get the SQL query optimizer to be smarter too.

Not only are you minimizing the tuning but also the ongoing costs of administration.

Lowering TCO

You can consolidate your smaller data warehouses and data marts onto one system, allowing you to get the full benefits of consolidation, including lowering the total cost of operations, as well as getting rid of flexibility.

Ready for the Future with Big Data

Oracle Database 12c has been improved as far as data warehousing is concerned.  This includes improvements in scalability, performance and analytics.  In short, Oracle has made it so that you would be able to use Oracle Database 12c in the future where data warehouses are larger, there are more databases, more users demanding better scalability and performance.

If you are looking to future-proof your database, there is no better solution than Oracle Database 12c.  Oracle Database 12c has been designed to let you handle big data even as data volume gets bigger and bigger.  It helps you get more out of your analytics, simplify management and make administration easier while also lowering your total cost of operations.

Call Four Cornerstone and find out what we can do to help you start using Oracle Database 12c today.

Photo by ep_jhu.

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