8 years ago

Amazon’s AWS in 2017: 5 things to expect

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Businesses have been relying on Amazon AWS for their storage and computer requirements. It is not an exaggeration to say that Amazon services have helped enterprises stay in business and to compete with their rivals.

As 2017 comes in, a lot of people are curious about what’s in store for AWS. What should you expect? What new technologies are they going to offer? What can we all look forward to in 2017?

1. Everybody will be promoting AWS to survive.

According to James Henderson in a CIO article, more and more companies are going to use AWS with another public cloud service. This trend would hopefully help other providers get a share of the revenue. Henderson calls this AWS+1 and it is seen to be big in 2017.

Using a public cloud provider alongside Amazon services would help companies meet their fiduciary duties. This would also assist organizations avoid being locked into a single provider. It will also help enterprises be more flexible when matching service requests, workloads, and applications.

This means that all cloud providers should offer a wide range of services that include their own offerings and those of third parties, according to William Fellows, vice president at 451 Research. This also implies that all cloud service providers will now become brokers for Amazon services.

The danger of a public cloud provider not offering anything that includes AWS is that potential customers will be looking elsewhere for their “AWS+1” needs.

Fellows also add that even internal IT teams will become brokers for Amazon AWS. This way, IT departments can easily work on the digital transformation and business innovation instead of just looking at and making sure that all systems work. Amazon AWS will take care of that.

Richarad Nowalk, Opex Techonologies COO, says that multi-cloud is going to be big in 2017 for Amazon AWS. He agrees that companies want choice and they will want to have freedom and flexibility instead of being pigeonholed. For Nowalk, however, the mix might be between a public cloud service provider and Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure. For some, Azure will come into the mix because of long-term agreements between the company and Microsoft. In short, because businesses have large investments in Microsoft products and services, you really cannot take Azure out of the picture.

2. More applications will be written for the cloud.

Most companies are now working to migrate their applications to the cloud. However, that will soon shift to applications being written precisely with the cloud in mind, CIMI Corp. President Tom Noelle predicts.

AWS has recently unveiled several machine learning offerings such as the Amazon Lex and Amazon Rekognition at the recently concluded re:Invent 2016. These new services allow the creation of apps written specifically for the cloud. For instance, Amazon Lex can help you come up with a human-sounding chatbot.

Other trends that will help this along are big data and serverless computing, both offered as Amazon services. It will make more sense to write applications for the cloud instead of migrate existing applications to the cloud and run the risk of not being able to take full advantage of your Amazon AWS investments.

3. AWS EC2 will get a push from containers.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) got a really big boost when Docker introduced container technology. In 2017, AWS EC2 Container Service will continue to benefit from Docker and other container technologies, as well as usher in the age of AWS+1 or multi-cloud implementations. Containers will remain a vital part of the future of cloud computing, and companies would seek to fully take advantage of the technology.

AWS EC2, along with other cloud providers, will in turn make it easier for businesses to pack and deploy their cloud services using containers.

4. More competition for Amazon AWS.

It is no secret that Amazon is the top cloud service provider, and there is no lack of large-scale competitors. Amazon AWS might be the leader in the cloud service provider space, but Google and Microsoft are busy coming up and coming out with competing offerings that challenge Amazon services and features. This is actually a good thing for consumers because that would mean more flexibility and more choices, and it also helps keep the prices low.

Additionally, the battle for the top spot would include focus on the technologies we have already talked about: serverless computing, machine learning, and containers, among others.

5. Deeper partnerships with Amazon AWS.

Amazon’s biggest customers will be taking full advantage of the company’s offerings to give their own end users more features. An example of this is Salesforce’s recent move to expand on its use of AWS. Some of Salesforce’s core applications are moving to the public cloud, thanks to Amazon AWS. These include services such as the Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Analytics Cloud, and Community Cloud. This is a continuation of Salesforce’s plan to work with Amazon for their future offerings after the CRM giant revealed that they were planning to spend $400 million for different AWS offerings. This way, Salesforce will be able to leverage Amazon’s data centers from all over the world while maintaining their own data centers.

Amazon AWS is already a formidable cloud service right now, but because of the competition from other similarly impressive companies, it continues to churn out even more features while also giving you affordable and reasonable rates. Working with Amazon AWS in 2017 would ensure that you not only get the cloud services you want but also the ones you need in the future.

If you have plans to use Amazon AWS, you can trust Four Cornerstone to help you in that aspect. Four Cornerstone has the experts you need to implement your cloud computing strategy. We can provide you with the technology and the assistance you need for a stress-free deployment and headache-free maintenance. All you have to do is call us at +1 (817) 377-1144 or fill out our short contact form.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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