10 years ago

Why Go for Oracle Database in the Cloud? Here are 10 Reasons Why

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Oracle Database Cloud Service can be tightly integrated with other Oracle Cloud Services, such as Java, Storage and Computing.

Database cloud service is gaining popularity because it offers customers a quicker deployment, more elastic cloud computing resources, and cheaper alternative database platform.

Specifically, the Oracle Database Cloud Service offers a unique product combining the simplicity and ease-of-use of a cloud computing environment and the power, robustness and productivity of Oracle technology.

Benefits of database in the cloud

  1. Fast – Having a database available in a few minutes where you can get things started almost immediately is a prominent plus factor. Fast provisioning – that’s what you get with an Oracle Database Cloud Service.
  1. Flexible – Cloud computing resources are elastic. You can expand and contract them, and add or remove memory and storage depending on your business requirements.
  1. Simple – When it comes to provisioning, deployment, development and pricing, Oracle Database cloud service is synonymous with simplicity. You can easily provision an Oracle Database instance in a virtual machine or build a complete development environment in a few minutes and without you having to worry about computing infrastructure.
  1. Subscription-based – This subscription-based pricing model is one of the reasons customers go for Oracle Database Cloud Service. It offers a flexible alternative because you can opt for hourly or monthly rate. You also have the option to modify your subscription package based on your changing business demand with only a simple interface. What’s more, all software updates and Oracle support are included in any subscription package you choose.
  1. No capital expenditure – Since Oracle Database Cloud Service is subscription-based, you don’t have to allocate a huge amount in purchasing hardware or software, as well as allocating resources for long-term project implementation.
  1. Reduced ongoing costs – The cloud provider handles most standard maintenance. This factor cuts down the amount of time and money required for maintaining a computing stack. In addition, since it is subscription-based, you can scale up when there is an increased demand and scale down your subscription package when the demands subside. This flexibility offers significant cost savings. 
  1. Choice – Customers have a variety of options to choose from with Oracle Database Cloud Service. Whether it’s the number of CPUs and gigabytes of memory, database options and editions, or storage capacity, Oracle Database Cloud Service offers many choices.
  1. Integration with other cloud services – Oracle Database Cloud Service can be tightly integrated with other Oracle Cloud Services, such as Java, Storage and Computing.
  1. Portable and easily accessible – Cloud computing is ubiquitous, available everywhere through the Internet. You can access Oracle Database Cloud Service using a desktop or a tablet, through any browser and on any platform.
  2. Automation – This unique feature of Oracle Database 12c enables a centralized management of all the organization’s databases. This functionality acts as a controller to handle the setting up and testing of a new database instance deployed in your cloud. It also manages the monitoring, metering and chargeback tasks.

Benefit from the scalability, robustness and enterprise strength of Oracle Database Cloud Service by contacting Four Cornerstone. You can call us at 817-377-1144.

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