11 years ago

How to Keep Your Enterprise Safe from Online Threats

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You should always make sure that your employees are aware of the threats out there and how they could avoid it.

More and more enterprises are going online now.  It is no longer just e-mail and private networks, but more and more employees now access the Internet at the workplace.  Plus, more and more businesses are relying on cloud solutions to do their job.  In fact, Symantec and National Cyber Security Alliance found that around 4 out of every 10 cyber attacks are directed at small businesses, but these businesses have been very lax about their security online.

And mind you, there are some online threats that even the most powerful antivirus software cannot stop.  These include zero-day threats, going outside the firewall, using outdated software and using unmanaged applications.

So how do you secure your enterprise from online threats?

1. Install virus scanners and malware detection software.

While not entirely foolproof, virus scanners and anti-malware software can help you avoid a majority of threats that are present online.  They prevent you from visiting Web sites that are malicious, from downloading bad files and even from receiving phishing e-mails.  Scanners and anti-malware tools can also help you clean infected files on your computers and your network.

2. Always get patched / updated.

Getting your software updated is a good way for you to ensure that it does not have any known vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.  So make sure to get your software updated as soon as a new up patch or fix is available.

3. Arm yourself with knowledge.

When fighting cybercriminals, there is no better way than to:

  • Know what types of information are vulnerable.
    What are the information that you collect, gather and store?  How do you store all of these information?  Who has access to these data and how can you protect your data?
  • Know how cyber attacks are done.
    You should also be familiar with how cyber attacks are carried out, with how you are securing your e-mail, computers and networks, as well as with other vulnerabilities that may be compromised.
  • Know where a threat could come in.
    All too often, small businesses worry about securing networks, computers and e-mails.  But they neglect that attacks could also come from other sources.  For instance, it could come from your employees’ devices if they are using their own mobile phones or tablets as part of your BYOD program.  Or it could come from social media.  Or from a rogue mobile application that your employees install.

4. Train your employees.

You should always make sure that your employees are aware of the threats out there and how they could avoid it.  They should also know what to do and how to report incidents of breach, data loss and other vulnerabilities.  You should never think that hackers and cybercriminals only go for the big corporations, but instead be ready with a contingency plan should you get attacked.  And that possibility is getting more and more real every day as an increasing number of hackers are now targeting small businesses because they have fewer safeguards in place.

Lastly, Four Cornerstone also recommends making use of the best identity management tools available.  Also, make sure that you use software that is inherently secure, and focused on keeping your most important assets, such as your users, applications, network, database and systems, very secure.

Photo courtesy of IntelFreePress.

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