11 years ago

Java and Java EE Developers: 6 Reasons Why You Should Use Oracle ADF

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 Oracle ADF makes use of a lot of Java EE standards and it runs on standard EE application servers.

Oracle Application Development Framework or Oracle ADF gives you a Java framework for your commercial enterprise applications. If you are a Java or Java EE developer, then you should be taking note of Oracle ADF.

Why?  Here are some great reasons why you should try out Oracle ADF if you are currently looking for a Java framework for your next mobile or Web apps, or even when you are planning for your IT career.

1. Oracle ADF gives you a lot.

Oracle ADF has a free version available, making it one of the best options when it comes to Java frameworks.  It is currently deployed on Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss and other similar applications.  It also enjoys unparalleled support in JDeveloper and Eclipse.  It could also be your savior if you are developing iOS and Android mobile apps.

2. You have less to worry about.

Oracle ADF makes sure that the generic aspects of your Java and Java EE code is already taken care of.  This gives you more time to focus on the business and customized aspects of your application.  You can use a declarative approach when developing your apps.  What this means is that you can create an app with a rich user interface and a lot of functionality out of the box without coding too much.

ADF gives you a huge library of JSF components that you can use when presenting and editing data, page layouts and popups, among other things.

ADF also takes care of multi-browser support, making it easy for your application to display perfectly on different browsers, tablets and smartphones.

3. You can rely on Oracle.

There is a lot to be said about software that comes from a big company such as Oracle.  But what makes Oracle ADF even better is that Oracle itself uses ADF in its own application development and software.  As such, you can be sure that Oracle ADF is very stable and is of very high quality.

Plus you also have extensive documentation that not only covers all the features and functionality of ADF, but is also updated every time there is a new ADF release.

Not only that, you are sure that Oracle ADF will be around for a long time.  This is specifically important for programmers who are looking to get more skills that they can utilize not only in their current jobs but also in future employment opportunities.

4. Great for productivity.

When you have pre-written code and design patterns, and out of the box functionality, you can plan, develop and implement your applications easily and rapidly.  Even if you are working with beginners and amateur Java programmers, they can easily do some parts of your app using ADF’s declarative interface.  Those in your team who have advanced Java skills can now focus on the functionality that your company is requiring.

5. ADF is designed for heavy-duty enterprise apps. 

Even if you have a demanding enterprise application requirement, you can easily use ADF for it.  In fact, a lot of professional developers use it for their own projects.

6. Open.

ADF makes use of a lot of Java EE standards and it runs on standard EE application servers.  As such, ADF may have its own proprietary extensions, but much of it stays open.  Further, you could use it with JDeveloper and Eclipse (via the OEPE plugin).  You could also deploy it on cloud providers such as Amazon EC2.

If you are looking for a way to use Oracle ADF with your enterprise app development efforts, give Four Cornerstone a call.  We can help set up your Oracle ADF for your company’s use, or we could help you further by developing your applications using Oracle ADF!

Contact us now!

Photo courtesy of Oracle.

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