When Oracle bought Ksplice in 2011, the company promised zero downtimes for its users. Oracle said that its users would suffer no more disruptive downtimes when you need to apply kernel patches.
Ksplice offered a way for IT professionals to patch Linux kernels without needing to reboot it. It worked very well and very fast. Companies would be able to plug their systems’ vulnerabilities and flaws as often as needed and it will still be business as usual for them.
That is a good thing too. Even though Linux has a reputation for being very secure and very stable, the operating system still needed to be patched at least once every month. Imagine having to take your systems down once every month!
With Ksplice, you can seamlessly update kernels even when it is running. You no longer have to wait for the weekend or wait for times when there are not too many users to patch vulnerabilities and flaws.
Oracle claims that for RHEL 5 systems alone, a system administrator would have needed to reboot 22 times in the past year alone. Imagine just how much time from coordination and actual downtime was saved from using Ksplice!
Ksplice and Virtualization
The good news is that Ksplice has the Uptrack subscription service that supports virtualization, especially for Citrix Xen, Debian Xen, Parallels Virtuozzo, VMware and a lot more.
You could also use Ksplice with Maverick private cloud and all Ubuntu virtualization kernels.
Let’s take a look at the hosting industry. In 2011, Parallels Partners offered KSplice to its customers, allowing them to save more than 30 hours a week in updating kernels. You could save time and simplify the update of virtual private servers using Ksplice.
When you use Ksplice, you streamline patch management because you can apply the patches instantly to all containers in the Virtuozzo server you are using.
Remember, Ksplice Uptrack can work with just about any virtual environment you have. It also works even when you are using third-party kernel modules and with your applications in your userspace.
The Four Cornerstone Advantage
Ksplice is all about taking control of your software as it makes it possible for you to apply kernel patches without having to take your system down. It helps you manage virtual systems as well by making it easier for you to update even with thousands of software without the complexities. Through this ease of processes, you’ll save time and money in the long run.
Four Cornerstone can help you get your IT investments in order. From acquiring software to installing and deploying it, right down to updating and patching vulnerabilities, and helping you ensure your system’s security.
Four Cornerstone has a team of Oracle Linux experts who can take all the work and worrying for you, ensuring that you have all the best practices in place as well as the implementations, tools and software that you need.
If Ksplice can help you forget about rebooting and painful kernel updates, Four Cornerstone can help you get that advantage and a lot more. Call us today!
Photo courtesy of Tsahi Levent-Levi.