Oracle Big Data Lite Virtual Machine: Get a head start with your big data campaign

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 Oracle makes it easy for you to familiarize yourself with Oracle Big Data Lite Virtual Machine.

Big data is the next big thing in businesses today and well into the future.  A lot of companies are either dipping their hands into big data and finding out how it transforms their businesses into future-proof enterprises, or are seriously considering implementing a big data plan for their operations.  If you decide to get into big data, call Four Cornerstone today and find out about our Oracle licensing, Oracle training and Oracle consulting services that can help you along your big data plans.

One of the best things you could get in order to get a head start with your big data initiatives is to get the Oracle Big Data Lite Virtual Machine.

The Oracle Big Data Lite Virtual Machine gives you an environment that is integrated and ready for Oracle Big Data.

The Oracle Big Data Lite Virtual Machine already has a majority of Oracle Big Data components installed, configured and ready to go.  These components include Cloudera’s Distribution with Apache Hadoop, Cloudera Enterprise Technology with RTQ and RTS, and Cloudera Manager.  It also has a host of Oracle software already installed and configured, such as:

  • Oracle Data Integrator
  • Oracle Database 12c v.
  • Oracle SQL Developer
  • Big Data Connectors
  • Data Integrator 11g
  • Enterprise Linux version 6.4
  • JDeveloper 11g
  • Loader for Hadoop
  • NoSQL Database Enterprise Edition
  • R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop
  • R Distribution
  • SQL Connector for HDFS
  • XQuery for Hadoop

Know how it works

Oracle makes it easy for you to familiarize yourself with Oracle Big Data Lite Virtual Machine.  Once you have downloaded the components from the Oracle TechNetwork site at //, you can load your data into the virtual machine.

Either that or you can use the demo data provided by Oracle called Oracle MoviePlex.  The MoviePlex demo shows you how big data works for your company, along with other materials that Oracle provides.  These materials include hands-on practices, sample codes, as well as programs and videos for you to learn.  It shows you how the fictitious film streaming company uses big data to target their customers and offer them movie suggestions based on their viewing history.

Oracle further created videos to help you find out how to improve overall customer experience, deliver personalized services, manage customer profiles, integrate your data and maximize the contributions of Oracle Advanced Analytics.

The labs, on the other hand, focused on teaching you how to use the various software included in the Oracle Big Data Lite Virtual Machine.  You have labs on NoSQL Database, data manipulation, SQL patter matching and data integration between Oracle Database and Hadoop.

So even if you know absolutely nothing now about big data and how to implement your big data initiatives, Oracle has made it all easy for you by providing the hardware, software and know-how to get a head start into big data.

If you are still confused or if you want more short cuts, check out Four Cornerstone’s Oracle consulting services where you can get a team of Oracle experts to do your big data initiatives for you.

Contact us now!

Photo courtesy of Oracle.

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