11 years ago

Oracle Business & IT Solutions: Identify, Analyze and Act

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A BPM software would be able to give you all relevant information, data and trends concerning a particular event.

In investing, what separates the winners from the losers?  The winners are able to sniff out the opportunities and act on these.  It may be a rising OTC stock or an investment vehicle that nobody thought would become big.  At the same time, they are able to sense issues and problems before they become too big to handle.  They seem to know when a stock will lose its value and its underlying price.

The same is true with businesses.

Especially in today’s business climate where everything is moving very fast and is constantly changing.

A successful business needs to be able to identify an issue as soon as it crops up.  It needs to work on this issue before it becomes a big problem.  Conversely, a business needs to be able to pinpoint opportunities before its competitors do – so that it would be able to take advantage of these.

Indeed, your success will largely depend on just how responsive you are to changing times and upcoming events. Making this already complex process even more challenging is the fact that triggers could come from a lot of sources.  It could come from your customers, it could be from things that your competitors are doing, or it could be how regulations are changing, or even internal policy changes.

However, it would not make any sense if you spend a lot of money into this process.  Yes, you need to be able to identify opportunities and threats efficiently, but at the right costs.

How to Identify, Analyze and Act on Threats and Opportunities

The first thing that you need to do is identify and then keep track of various situations.  You can conduct your business activity monitoring and complex event processing with a unified and centralized dashboard.

This monitoring dashboard will give you a complete picture of whatever situation is at hand and give you the insights and information you need to decide on what actions to take.

In all of these, Oracle can help.

Oracle Complex Event Processing offers a comprehensive set of solutions that would allow you to identify, filter, process and correlate events.

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring can give you interactive and unified dashboards and even give you proactive alerts all in real time.  It helps you create different kinds of dashboards, reports and alert without even writing a single line of code.  It can suggest corrective actions, and deliver to you more than three dozen event visualizations. You can even take a look at what happened in the past with its past event correlation.

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring would then need to work together with Oracle Business Process Management to pinpoint which of these activities are significant to you, or which of these activities will help you avoid problems and drive success.

More than this, your BPM software would be able to give you all relevant information, data and trends concerning a particular event.  This enables you to be surer in your decisions and to know which actions to take.

So everything you need is provided by Oracle.  And when it comes to Oracle, you only need to know about Four Cornerstone.  We can help you get your head around Oracle products and services from installation, deployment, maintenance and even training.

Call us now!

Photo courtesy of Oracle.

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