10 years ago

Oracle Engineered Systems and Real-Time Business Intelligence

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With Oracle Engineered Systems you get to get the infrastructure, hardware and software that Oracle engineers and the top companies use.

Real time business intelligence is no longer just a nice way to have technology if you want your business to stay competitive and on top. In order to take advantage of the benefits of big data, you would need to make sure that there is no disconnect between the occurrence of a business event and the notification or corrective action being done on your data.

The thing is, all business intelligence systems suffer through some degree of latency. There is data latency, analysis latency and the action latency. Action latency is the time that passes between the receipt of information and any action taken regarding that information. Data latency is the time it takes to gather and store data, while analysis latency is the time that is taken for the data to be analyzed and transformed into information that is actionable.

As a competitive enterprise, you should ensure that latency is minimized where possible. And this is where Oracle Engineered Systems help.

Engineered systems give you the high speed you need to minimize latency and enable real time business intelligence. That sounds like a tall order, but if you know Oracle and its line of engineered systems you would know that it is possible.

Remember that the goal is to minimize latency in business intelligence systems and Oracle engineered systems allow you to load, access and transfer the data faster with no latency at all. Then it also allows you to process the data quickly by using parallel processing, and then give the end use visuals and reports that would make way for deeper analysis.

Oracle engineered systems makes use of InfiniBand, which is a network communications link that has very fast processing rates and near zero latency. That would almost eliminate the latency because you can now load and access the data faster and you also get faster data processing.

Meanwhile, you also have tight integration between various layers of the software stack. This helps you minimize or even do away with both analysis and data latency.

Further, you also have smart features that help you minimize latency in processing queries. For instance, you can use Oracle Exadata’s Smart Scan feature so that you can do all you data processing in the storage cell. The cells can do smart searches in storage disks using information about the query. The relevant results are then sent to the database nodes. This kind of smart scan ensures that query processing stays close to the data layer and minimizes the need to transfer data to and from the database and the storage tiers.

All of these features taken together help you get real time information for your business intelligence. No latency for your business intelligence means that you could do more with your data and you could make better decisions.

To find out how your business could take advantage of Oracle engineered systems, then contact Four Cornerstone. We offer Oracle consulting in Dallas and we can provide you with a team of Oracle experts who could look at your existing systems and how you could easily get Oracle Engineered Systems for real time business intelligence and other applications.

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