12 years ago

Oracle Software Delivery Cloud 101

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 How tos, tips, and tricks about Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

The Oracle Software Delivery Cloud allows you to download all Oracle software that are licensable.

There are three different portals that you could use.  Aside from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, there is also the:

In order to use the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, you would need to have your own Oracle account with a verified e-mail address.

When using the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud: 1-Click Portal, however, you need to have an order number with you.  Every booked order would have a corresponding order number that you can get from an authorized reseller or Oracle sales representative that you’ve worked with to purchase the license.


How to download from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud service

1.     You need to use a browser that supports JavaScript and cookies.  For this purpose, Oracle recommends the following web browsers:

  • Internet Explorer (6.0 or higher), or
  • Mozilla (1.4 or higher).

You cannot use FTP to download Oracle software.

2.     Make sure that you have enough space on your directory before confirming the download.  If you are using Internet Explorer, make sure that your Temporary Internet Files directory has enough space for the download to be completed.

A 100 MB file downloaded on a 1.5M DSL or T1 connection would take 12 minutes to finish.  Conversely, downloading on a slower connection such as a 640K DSL line will take 30 minutes.

3.     To download, sign in to your Oracle account on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud page at //edelivery.oracle.com.

4.     You would need to agree to both the export restrictions and the terms of service to continue.

5.     Select the product pack and the platform you want to download.

6.     A search result would come out.  Tick on the tick box next to the product that you want to download.  You will be shown a page that includes a download button on the first column.

7.     Click on the download button.  A pop-up window will appear where you need to click on OK to start the download.


Other Tips:

To determine if your download has been completed correctly, check the file size of your downloaded file against the file size indicated in the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud site.

You can also check the SHA-1 and MD5 data that you can find under the View Digest button on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

If you are having problems with your connection or having trouble completing a file, consider using a download manager.  A download manager is a software that allows you to resume downloading if your file transfer gets interrupted.  Download managers are also a great option if you want to download several files that you can leave unattended.

Do not use a computer that uses a proxy server on a 32-bit platform.  You will only get a zero-byte file if you do this.

If you are having problems downloading, try to download at a different time.  Or you can use a download manager as we have suggested.

After downloading, you would need to unzip the files you have.  If you are using an ISO version, then you should unzip the files first before burning them onto a DVD or CD.

If you need assistance setting up Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, Four Cornerstone can help you with it. We have a team of Oracle experts on-standby to help you with your concerns. Contact us now!

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