11 years ago

Oracle VM Manager Web Services API (WS-API): Manage and monitor the components of your virtual infrastructure with agility

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Oracle VM Manager Web Services API (WS-API)
Oracle VM Manager Web Services API Implementation

Oracle VM Manager gives you a Web Services application programming interface so that you could integrate third-party software and products to work with Oracle VM Manager easily and quickly.  Some of the things that you could do with Oracle VM Manager via this API are adding servers, creating virtual machines and creating a server pool.

Oracle VM Manager serves as the administration platform for all of your Oracle VM Servers that are connected on your network.  Oracle VM Manager can help you manage virtual servers, virtual machines and the server pool.  An API gives a complete set of interface to Oracle VM Manager, and that API is accessed via the Oracle VM Manager Web services API through the SOAP protocol.

The Oracle VM Manager Web services API gives you all the operations that are needed for you to manage and monitor the components of your virtual infrastructure such as virtual machines, networks, storage, virtual servers, server pools and the likes.

The available Oracle VM Manager Web services

  • LifecycleService.  This helps you to manage the lifecycle of your virtual machines.  This is the Web service that you use to create a VM, do live migrations, enable HA and attach disks and CD.  Some of the methods under this service are addDisk, addNIC, attachCDtoVM, clone, createVmBasedOnISO, createVmBasedOnTemplate, deploy, detachCD, enableHA or disableHA, getConsolePassword, liveMigrateAll, removeDisk, resetStatus, setBootPriority and setGuestCredential.
  • ResourceService.  This helps you to manage the resources. This is the Web service you use to manage and import templates, and share virtual disks, ISO files or virtual machines.  Some of the methods under this service are ValidateVMConfig, approveISOResource, approveImage, approveTemplate, deleteISO, deleteSharedVirtualDisk, getAllISOResources, registerExternalISO, registerISO and registerSharedVirtualDisk.
  • PluginService.  This helps you manage your plugins, specifically in setting up or getting the scope properties of your plugins. The three methods under the PluginService are disposePlugin, getDaemonManager and preparePlugin.
  • ServerPoolService. This helps you create and manage your server pools and servers.  A few of the methods in this service include: addMembers, checkServerConnection, createServerPool, deleteServerPool, getAllServerPools,  getClusterRootByServerPoolId, getMasterServer, getServer, getServerPool, get StorageResositoriesByServerPoolId, getVirtualServerById, getVirtualServers, rebootServer, refreshServerPool, shutdownServer, updateVirtualServer, validateAddMembers, validateShutdownServer and validateUpdateVSAgentPassword.
  • VirtualMachineService.  This helps you create and manage your virtual machines. A few of the methods in this service include: createPropertiesFileOnVirtualMachine, getAllVMs, getAssociatedServer, getRealPath, getVM, powerOffVMByVMId, queryCdromArray, queryLocalDisks, queryPreferredServer, queryVMStatusByVMId, rebootVMByVMId, resumeVMByVMId, saveAsTemplate, suspendVMByVMId, unregisterVMByVMId and uploadVirtualMachine.
  • AdminService.  This helps you create and manage groups and users. A few of the methods in this service include: createGroup, createUser, createUserGroup, createUserSite, findUserById, isAdminUser, login, logout and searchUsers.

If you need help creating a Web service client, creating a proxy class, authentication and security, or just about anything related to the Oracle VM Manager Web Services API, Oracle VM Manager in general, or with any Oracle products and services, then do not hesitate to call Four Cornerstone at (xxx) xxx-xxxx.  Our team of Oracle certified experts will be on hand to help you deploy and maintain your Oracle software.  We also have a team of Oracle certified trainers who can help you grasp the concepts and techniques of working with Oracle.

For more information regarding Oracle VM Manager Web Services API (WS-API), you can read these sources:

Photo courtesy of Oracle.

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