Reboot-less Updates with Oracle Linux Ksplice

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You do not have to reschedule your updates to a time when there would be less users with Ksplice.

If you are using Linux, you would know that the operating system is very reliable and does not need to be rebooted that much. This is especially true when you compare Linux systems to Windows, which you need to reboot daily. It could be months before you would need to reboot a Linux system. Before Ksplice, another reason for rebooting your Linux systems is when you need to update.

However, even with their system’s awesome reliability, some users just cannot afford to reboot. It could be because it is costly, or it could disrupt several processes they are engaged with, or it could lower their productivity. This is where Ksplice proves its worth.

What is Ksplice?

Ksplice allows you to apply rebootless updates using traditional patches. That means that you can keep your Linux system updated, safe and secure, without the need to reboot it and without suffering through too much downtime. Imagine being able to roll out a major update without needing to reboot your systems. And it works not just on Linux, but also on CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, among other operating systems.

Ksplice compares the original and patched kernels and then patches the new code into the running kernel. It basically waits until the affected code is not in use to update it.

Ksplice is available “as a service” because developers would need to customize code for every change, especially in more complicated ones.

Ksplice pretty much works in the background and while it slows down the kernel a bit, the end user would not notice the slowdown.

What do all these mean and what are rebootless update’s benefits?

It means that you do not have to take your server and database offline to update it. You also do not need to reboot the system after the patch is finished

Imagine being able to have your applications run uninterrupted as you update. Your applications, Web site and systems are all online and end users would none be the wiser. A rebootless update can benefit you tremendously. How?

  1. It saves you the hassles and the time that a reboot would entail. You do not have to reschedule your updates to a time when there would be less users because with Ksplice, having no downtime while updating is a possibility. As such, nothing is interrupted and all services continue to be available. For instance, Ksplice can patch openssl and glibc vulnerabilities without shutting down or interrupting applications.
  1. And because you are able to plug security holes immediately, you do not have to worry about being vulnerable to hacking attacks and exploits. Ksplice deals with run-time security holes and stability issues. For instance, some of the quick updates provided by Ksplice include patches for a badly written driver, overflow in the DNS resolver, or the latest CVE. It is certainly no wonder why ComputerWorld UK named Ksplice as one of the best and most cutting edge open source innovations, along with Bitcoin, EyeOS, and Bespin, among others.

Oracle Linux users can take full advantage of Ksplice with an Oracle Linux Premier Support or working with Four Cornerstone. Call us today at (817) 377-1144.

Photo courtesy of Bob Mical.

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