Technology Trends for 2015: Computing, IoT, Analytics, Smart Machines, Security and More

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A visualization of machine learning with the shape / figure of the brain and chip.

Technology is an ever changing field and it is not surprising that year after year, not a few observers and industry experts are hailing a particular technology as cutting edge, emerging or “one to watch”. As a new year begins, let us take a look at the technology trends that you will encounter in 2015.

Gartner has come up with ten technology trends that will be apparent this year. These technologies may be categorized into three:

  1. technology that gives rise to smart machines, context aware systems and analytics
  2. the coming together of the virtual and real worlds
  3. the impact of the digital business changes on technology

The real world and the virtual world merge

  • Ubiquitous computing. Because of the rise of smartphones and other mobile devices, computing will be done everywhere as providers strive to give their users the services and technologies that they need. Plus the focus would be shifted from the devices itself, to the needs of the users in different environments and context.
  • The Internet of Things. IoT is linking millions of different things, people, devices and even locations and places. The wealth of information will be used in four ways. One is to help you manage the assets to improve utilization, monetizing from the use of an asset, controlling the surroundings of a connected asset, and getting additional services and information through an asset.
  • 3D printing. This technology will become more and more affordable, while more and more individuals and businesses find more use for 3D printing.

Intelligence in everything, everywhere

  • Pervasive, invisible and advanced analytics. Embedded systems will be at the forefront of the growth of analytics. These systems will produce large amounts of both structured and unstructured data that will be used to find answers.
  • Context rich systems. Context aware systems will become more commonplace, wherein they can sense their surroundings and react appropriately to it.
  • Smart machines. Smart machines are going to evolve really quickly and machine helpers will be on the rise. This is going to be the most disruptive technology in all of IT history.

New digital business realities

  • Cloud client computing. Cloud computing will continue to merge with mobile technologies, giving rise to apps and services that can be accessed anywhere and via any device.
  • Software defined infrastructure and applications. Successful digital businesses will require agile programming for everything it needs from infrastructure to applications.
  • Web scale IT. Enterprises and businesses would be able to deliver large scale cloud services such as Facebook, Google and Amazon.
  • Risk based security. Instead of trying to secure all environments using perimeter defense, businesses will shift focus to sophisticated ways to assess risks and the use of mitigation tools. What this means is that security will be built into applications via a variety of methods such as security-aware design, runtime application self-protection, adaptive and context-aware access controls, and application security testing, among others.

Gartner notes that these businesses are not going to rise at the same pace, but to remain competitive, you will need to seriously consider and evaluate these technology trends within the next two years. If you need help in implementing any of these technologies, call Four Cornerstone today. We have a team of experts who can help you take advantage of these technologies for your business.

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