5 years ago

The Biggest Technologies in 2020: Digital Transformation, Cloud Computing, and Kubernetes

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Out of the emerging technologies that have somewhat shown promise, Kubernetes is the winner.

New technologies have been popping and businesses are very eager to test them out. They’re used to retain or widen competitive advances against other enterprises. The problem is that resources are limited and you cannot really spend on every new technology that comes out.

So what are the biggest technologies that you should be paying attention to in 2020? It’s the era of digital transformation, cloud computing, and Kubernetes.

The Cloud Will Have More of Your Workloads

While some people think that cloud craze has died down, things may be different in 2020. More and more companies will be putting their on-premises workloads on the cloud.

It’s nothing new. Forbes predicted that by this year, 83 percent of workloads will be on the cloud. The move to the cloud will be driven by the need for digital transformation, IT security, and new technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Another reason for this is the push of Dell, IBM, Oracle, and other traditional on-premise vendors to offer cloud services. Dell has partnered with VMware while IBM will probably partner with Red Hat to deliver multi-cloud environments to its users.

Now, if on-premises giants believe in the cloud, shouldn’t you too?

Kubernetes: It’s Your Time to Shine

Out of the emerging technologies that have somewhat shown promise, Kubernetes is the winner. This orchestration tool that makes software containers possible helps you have applications that can run on any platform.

This year, Kubernetes is poised to take over every platform. You can expect it to be integrated into systems, very much like what happened to flash storage.

A StackRox survey showed that for the latter half of 2018, Kubernetes adoption was up by 51 percent. What’s more, 86 percent of their respondents, which consisted of IT professionals, said that they are using Kubernetes.

A little less than seven out of 10 have containerized more than 10 percent of their applications. More than that, 13 percent of respondents report that they have containerized at least half of their applications.

Meanwhile, DevOpsDigest predicts that Kubernetes will be hosting all of our data technology in the future. For 2020, they see more people use it. They also report that big data professionals support Kubernetes.

Spending on Cybersecurity Technologies Will Continue to Increase

Companies will always want to keep their IT systems and investments safe. For 2020, however, cybersecurity becomes more important because of stiffer government fines such as the European Union’s GDPR.

Companies usually spend an average of 15 percent of their total IT budget on security.

However, this would largely depend on what industry you are in, what kind of personal and sensitive data you have, what regulatory requirements affect you, the complexity of the IT resources you have, and how likely it is that you’re going to be attacked, among others.

According to IDG communications, around six out of 10 companies are planning to increase their IT security budgets in 2020. On the average, there will be a 13 percent increase in IT security budgets this year.

And the increased spending is warranted as well. There are more data breaches from the Internet of things and mobile devices over the recent months, both are increasingly being used in the workplace.

And there’s really more to be done. Case in point, more than half of companies have found that they had more than 1,000 sensitive files that their employees could access even when they shouldn’t be able to. A study from researchers at the University of Maryland also found that hackers attack every 39 seconds.

According to Accenture, there are 11 percent more security breaches today compared to 2018. And it will cost you an around $1.4 million to $130 million to deal with a successful hack. There is certainly a lot of savings if you proactively amp up your cybersecurity rather than fighting off attacks.

But just how much of an increase should we be expecting this year? More than $133 billion, according to estimates from Gartner.

Who will benefit from this increased spending? The list includes some of the usual suspects, such as Cisco Systems, Splunk Inc., Microsoft Corp., Palo Alto Networks, Fortinet Inc., CyberArk Software Ltd., and Proofpoint. But you can expect smaller and rising companies, such as Okta and Crowdstrike Holdings, to have their piece of the pie.

Developers Will Love Edge Computing

2019 has been the year where people started talking about edge computing, or processing data close to where it is created rather than send data to a central location.

In short, this is the closest to real-time data as you can get. You also avoid latency issues when you send data to thousands of miles away.

You can also save money by being able to process data locally. The biggest fans would be developers who will be making the apps you use to run on edge computing.

The Companies That Will Be Big in 2020

Where should you train your sights when it comes to tech companies that are worth their salt this year? Here are five suggestions:

  • UiPath, a robotic process automation company that helps organizations automate their workloads and save money in the process.
  • Data warehouse provider Snowflake Computing Inc. and data analytics company Databricks, Inc. are attracting interest as companies can use their products to structure data they get from the crowd and visualize it all in real-time.
  • HashiCorp is a provider of open source tools for developers, and will likely benefit from the wave of people who want cloud-native computing.
  • Then there’s Rubrik. It helps manage and back up your data in the cloud.

Get a Headstart into 2020 with Four Cornerstone

Ride with the wave, or drown. Four Cornerstone has been innovating and transforming along with our clients. We keep up with the trends so that we can offer the newest and latest technologies.

We can help you focus your IT investments on technologies that matter. Getting into containerization and need help in Kubernetes? We’re here.

Want a quick and risk-free way to migrate workloads to the cloud? Let us help.

Call us today at +1 (817) 377-1144.

Photo courtesy of NVIDIA Corporation.

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