What’s in Oracle PaaS?

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Cloud computing platform connecting to four devices.

When you get Oracle PaaS, what services and tools do you get along with it?

Oracle Integration Cloud

This set of integration services has pre-built connectors for your “software as a service” needs. Oracle Integration Cloud also includes the Process Cloud Service and a Visual Builder Cloud Service that helps you create extension pages for SaaS. This it does with very little effort needed on your part to integrate your SaaS services with the Oracle platform. You can also use Integration Analytics Insight, along with its dashboard feature. Meanwhile, the Cloud Stack template allows you to provision new instances without too much work. You can get Oracle Integration Cloud in the following flavors:

  • Integration
  • Integration+Process
  • Integration+Process and Analytics


Integration Platform as a Service 

Oracle PaaS also includes Integration Platform as a Service solution that you will find in SOA cloud service. Under this umbrella, you have Data Integration Cloud that has quality governance features, data ELT/ETL features, and GoldenGate services. The IoT Cloud Service, on the other hand, allows you to include the Internet of Things in your digital strategies. This service allows you to correlate, filter, and aggregate IoT streaming data in real time for your business intelligence and apps.

Data Management Cloud Services 

This set of services includes database and backup functionality, while big data cloud services helps you in using data science, Spark, and Hadoop. Meanwhile, you can use Kafka for your data steaming services when you have Event Hub. You also get both NoSQL and MySQL databases, and the warehouse cloud services.

Application development features

Application developers would love the Java Cloud Service with its Weblogic platform found on Oracle PaaS. They would also love the application container feature that will help them create and manage microservices. The Visual Builder service is also included in the package. There are several new application development features that are worth taking notice of. That includes the artificial intelligence service with its deep learning frameworks, tools, and libraries; and the blockchain platform that makes it easier for you to set up and manage blockchain networks. Furthermore, you can enjoy DevOps continuous integration using Developer Cloud Service. Meanwhile, the Messaging Cloud Service gives you an easy way to create a messaging platform using JMS and REST queues. Lastly, you have the API Catalog Cloud Service, which gives you a list of PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, and IaaS services – all in one place.

Content Management

Oracle PaaS also has a range of features categorized under content management and experience. These services can help you collaborate with others on content, and work with Webcenter Portal and Omnichannel for subscriptions. You can also have DIVA cloud to help manage media assets you use for your content.

Analytics Cloud

Analytics Cloud gives you data visualization tools that you can use together with Business Intelligence Cloud Service. Business Intelligence Cloud Service is a self-service analytics platform that allows you to tell your story visually.

On top of all these, there are at least 50 connectors that allow you to bring data in from different sources. You also get Essbase Cloud Service. And if you still do not have a mobile strategy, you can use the Mobile Cloud Service. With this, Oracle offers the Intelligent Chatbot service, the Mobile analytical tools sets, and the development accelerators for your mobile apps.

Photo courtesy of Lou Gold (Flickr).

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